Use the table below to understand the difference between purchasing the DLC and downloading it for free as a Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack member. You can play Animal Crossing: New Horizons – Happy Home Paradise by purchasing the DLC on Nintendo eShop for $24.99 USD or by downloading it at no additional cost after becoming a member of Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack. For Animal Crossing: New Horizons on the Nintendo Switch, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled Does the new Happy Home Paradise download work with consoles that. Finding Paradise is available to download now from the TapTap store and the Play Store just keep in mind you'll still need to create a TapTap account for either version.

Continue playing and designing vacation homes to expand your experiences.

It follows the life of the doctors' new patient, Colin, as they attempt to unravel a life that is split down the middle, and fulfill a wish that appears to be self-contradictory by nature.